
by Maruf Rahman

Auto & Vehicles


Rupsha App is one of the many approaches taken by Rupsha Tyres & Chemicals Ltd for getting even closer to our customers.Rupsha Tyres & Chemicals Ltd is tyre and tube manufacturer in Bangladesh since 1991. Rupsha App will serve as a catalogue of all available products manufactured by Rupsha Tyres & Chemicals Ltd. It will also notify customers about upcoming products. We also like to know what our customers want, before planning for a new product.Rupsha App makes it easier for our customers to easily share feedback, complaints and offer suggestions directly to us. Your opinion matters. As our customers are the heart and their opinions are the soul of our business.Rupsha Tyres & Chemicals Ltd believes that our customers are the most important driving force behind us. It is very important for us to make sure to know them at all times. And Rupsha App is one of the many approaches taken by us to know your opinions.